
i-Card Personal Accident Insurance


Introducing the Angat Pinoy iCard Personal Accident Insurance, your shield against life's unexpected twists. With this powerful coverage, you'll have peace of mind knowing you're protected with benefits up to 50,000 pesos for Accidental Death, Accidental Dismemberment, and Accidental Disability.

Imagine a safety net that's always there, providing financial support during challenging times. This insurance isn't just about coverage—it's about empowering you to live boldly, knowing you're prepared for the unforeseen.

What sets this insurance apart is its simplicity and effectiveness. No complex jargon or hidden clauses. Just straightforward protection designed to support you and your loved ones in case of life-altering accidents.

Key Features:

1. Accidental Death Coverage: In the unfortunate event of accidental death, your designated beneficiaries will receive a lump-sum payment to help ease financial burdens during a difficult period.

2. Accidental Dismemberment: This coverage provides compensation if you suffer from accidental dismemberment, ensuring financial support to help you adapt to life changes.

3. Accidental Disability: If an accident leads to permanent disability, this insurance plan offers benefits to assist with medical expenses and other essential needs.

Benefits of Angat Pinoy iCard Personal Accident Insurance:

  • Affordable Premiums: Enjoy peace of mind without breaking the bank. This insurance is designed to be accessible to everyone.

  • Easy Application Process: Sign up hassle-free and get coverage quickly. No lengthy paperwork is required.

  • 24/7 Protection: Accidents can happen anytime. With this insurance, you're covered around the clock, wherever you are.

  • No Medical Exam Required: Apply without undergoing a medical examination. This insurance is designed to be accessible to everyone.

Why Choose Angat Pinoy iCard Personal Accident Insurance?

  • Reliable Coverage: Backed by a reputable insurance provider, this plan offers reliable coverage when you need it most.

  • Financial Security: Ensure your loved ones are protected financially in case of unforeseen accidents.

  • Peace of Mind: Focus on what matters most knowing that you have a safety net in place.

Don't wait for uncertainty to strike. Take charge of your future today with the Angat Pinoy iCard Personal Accident Insurance. Embrace life confidently, knowing you're safeguarded against the unexpected. Because when you're protected, you're free to pursue your dreams without hesitation.